LIFT stands for ‘Leading Ireland’s Future Together’. It’s an 8-13 week programme, about 30-40 minutes a week where participants engage in a small roundtable group either online or blended and complete the values below:

LIFT stands for ‘Leading Ireland’s Future Together’. It’s an 8-13 week programme, about 30-40 minutes a week where participants engage in a small roundtable group either online or blended and complete the values below:
Bilingual Ceol & Craic Radio Show broadcast every Thursday from 1-2. As Gaeilge agus Béarla! Contact: [email protected]
Pretty Hefty Discussions with Charlotte, Emily, Katie, Paulina and researcher guests
Dhá chlár lán-Ghaeilge, léirithe/curtha i láthair ag mic léinn an Acadaimh, á chraoladh/le chloisteáil beo gach Céadaoin ag 1i.n. Bíonn rud éigin do chách sna cláir, ceol, scéalta daonna, agallaimh, plé tráthúla, tuairisciú, craic agus comhrá san áireamh!