Students’ Union Raises Record €53,275 for Charity

University of Galway Students’ Union today presented the proceeds of their year of
fundraising events to Galway Rape Crisis Centre and Cancer Care West. The unique
charity events held throughout the academic year raised a total of €53,275 for the
two charities – the most ever raised by the Students’ Union.

Green Paper on Disabilty Reform

Speaking to the Disability Federation of Ireland about the ‘Green Paper’ which is causing an increasing amount of concern to people with disabilites

SU Elections 2024 – President

On Thursday 14th March Student’s at University of Galway will elect thier Student Union for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. The Candidates running for President all joined us in studio to speak with us about themselves and their manifestos. Gary Murtagh Faye Ní Dhomhnail Izzy Tiernan

Flirting with the Unknown: Jazzing Up My College Experience

Like my fellow classmates, I embarked on my own educational journey before joining the MA programme in Literature and Publishing in September 2023. Prior to this, it had been a dream of mine for as long as I could remember to attend Trinity College Dublin. I envisioned walking among the…

Union Condemns Student Accommodation Fee Increase

University of Galway Students’ Union has today condemned Galway student accommodation provider, Hubble Living, for their accommodation fee increases for the 2024/25 academic year.Students currently staying in their deluxe ensuite rooms on the Headford Road inGalway are facing a minimum yearly increase of €2,500. This represents a 30% rentincrease which…

Galway Air Pollution Above WHO Limits

People Before Profit Galway has highlighted the persistent exceedance of safe air pollution levels dictated by the World Health Organisation in 2021. Maisie McMaster, People before Profit representative for Galway West speaks to Flirt FM about the pollution regulations and the differences between the EU and the WHO People Before Profit are calling for more…

Students Union Launches RAG Week

University of Galway Students’ Union today launched their Raise and Give (RAG)
Week campaign. The events will all be taking place on the University of Galway
campus Sunday 11th – Friday 16th of February to raise funds for Galway Rape Crisis
Centre and Cancer Care West