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Saturday Kickoff

The latest from the Sports Team of Flirt FM 101.3, Galway Student/ Alternative radio: Covering Student, Galway, National & International Sport

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Weekend Kickoff

The latest from the Sports Team of Flirt FM 101.3, Galway Student/ Alternative radio: Covering Student, Galway, National & International Sport

(Reserved for a new show)

We’re keeping this time slot for a new show by an existing volunteer, or new volunteers. Check back for updates. Sign up here and we’ll keep you posted about volunteer training, which happens each September and January.

Caoi Cainte

Dhá chlár lán-Ghaeilge, léirithe/curtha i láthair ag mic léinn an Acadaimh, á chraoladh/le chloisteáil beo gach Céadaoin ag 1i.n.  Bíonn rud éigin do chách sna cláir, ceol, scéalta daonna, agallaimh, plé tráthúla, tuairisciú, craic agus comhrá san áireamh!