Week 1 & 3 – Electricitat with Jaume Vidanes Week 2 – Yawlag Collective Live Week 4 – Sixfoot Apprentice with Declan Karey

Week 1 & 3 – Electricitat with Jaume Vidanes Week 2 – Yawlag Collective Live Week 4 – Sixfoot Apprentice with Declan Karey
No longer a jazz soufflé, but still airy and delectable.
With Bríd Ní Mhaoileoin / Fionn Ó Cualáin TIoLI Rogha Bhríde
Ambient, world, noise, always unexpected.
House with Joe (Josheen) alternating weekly with Axel’s intelligent dance music, French Touch, Hip Hop, Ambient etc.