Science Waves Radio Show

A radio show made by kids for kids 🙂 CÚRAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices’ Discover funded project, Science Waves, is a series of science radio shows and podcasts made in partnership with ForĂłige and Flirt FM. Episode 4: The Immune System – 11:00, Thursday 31st March (30min) made in collaboration with young people of…

World Radio Day Broadcast Schedule

L-R Leonard Snygans, Isabel Filby (Zoom), Éabha Fulton It’s that time of year again, when we swap shows with some of our sister stations around the world. This year is a treat for German language speakers in Galway, as we have shows from Dresden, Leipzig and Frankfurt (with lots of…

decorative net over a blue sky

Soundseekers Audio Festival

The Soundseekers Audio Festival is part of a month long festival of online and community broadcasting  festival of ideas and creativity, an audio extravaganza, that includes music, poetry and digital story-telling produced by Refugee/Asylum/Migrant communities in Europe. Working with grassroots organisations using facilitation methods to provide Refugee/Asylum/Migrant communities with Digital, Radio…

Flirt Competition T&Cs

1. The promoter is College Campus Radio DAC, whose registered office is at Áras na MacLĂ©inn, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe | University of Galway.2. Employees of College Campus Radio DAC or their family members or anyone else connected in any way with the competition or helping to set up the competition shall not…

Community Takeovers 2022 Now Open

Would you like to take over a Flirt FM Happy Hour? We are looking for Galway Community Groups/ CBOs, Student Support Services, Charities, NGOs, Societies & Clubs to take to the airwaves. What’s Involved? Put together a playlist of 16 songs (shared from a music service, or just write a list…

World Radio Day Logo

World Radio Day 2022

Proclaimed in 2011 by the Member States of UNESCO, and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as an International Day, February 13 became World Radio Day (WRD). On the occasion of World Radio Day 2022, UNESCO calls on radio stations worldwide to celebrate this event’s 11th edition…