The Team
Station Manager: Paula Healy
Head of News: Eoghan Holland
Training, Outreach & Support: Heather Hinchon-Quinn
Production Team
Tech Training & Editing: Cormac Corcoran
Head of Sports: Dave Finn
Gaming & Tech News: Eoghan Murphy
Production Assistant (Gaeilge): Maeve Ní Ruairc
Production Assistant (Media): Katherina Warnecke-Soto
Production Assistant (Global Media): Soren Tumasonyte
Text the Studio: 083 433 1013

The Basics /Submit Music /Work Experience
Flirt FM 101.3 is Galway City’s award winning Student, Community & Alternative Station, based in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe – University of Galway since September 1995. We’re part of the 20+ member Community Radio Ireland network.
With one full-time and two part-time paid staff looking after operations and compliance, the station is home to up to 150 volunteers and many more contributors annually.
We’re on FM 11am to 4am Monday-Friday, 1-10pm Saturdays (and streaming here or your smart device). See our detailed schedule information. Our programme policy is 60% Music (25% Irish), 40% Talk (20% of which is Current Affairs).
Flirt FM is operated by College Campus Radio DAC.
New Music
We accept Irish music submissions in MP3 and Wav. You can e-mail us your download links or send filesharing URLs here.
We love having acts in for sessions (acoustic, semi-acoustic and electronic), so let us know if you’re on tour in Galway.
Work Experience
Where possible we accept TY, PLC and Third-level students on placement. To apply, contact [email protected] with a CV, reasons you would like to do a placement with us and the dates desired.
It is preferable that students contact us directly themselves – not parents – we don’t bite, and do our best to accommodate people! Please note that peak work experience times often book out weeks (if not months) in advance.