Siamsa 14-06-23
Vito Sputnik who have been playing in venues all over the west are organising their first Milonga in Galway tonight – They Dropped by Flirt FM earlier in the week to play some Tangos and talk music
Galway Folk Festival kicked off on Tuesday for it’s second year with Steve Earle – The festival is happening across multiple venues in Galway right up until Sunday with some shows sold out already. Teenage Fanclub, The Whileaways, Lisa Lambe and of course the powerhouse of celtic energy that is Kila are some of our picks for the week.
Galway Ukelele Festival also is kicking off on Friday – 2023 Artists include Ukulele Simon, League of Ukulele Gentlemen, Zoe Bestel, Roisin Erskine, The Sneaky Tequilas & The Galway Ukers.
Fused Ion have a show on Friday in the Cellar – continuing with the format of fully recording their shows we can expect to see more like this soon. Playing on Friday are Papaluke, Some Remain and Lady’s Bedstraw.
Galway Dance project have a showcase on Saturday featuring a variety of Galway city and county based dance artists and at the Cellar on Saturday night you can catch Catalunya noise punk legends IRREAL. On Sunday the Queen Street Ensemble return with Jazz on the Prom – this time they are at the Salthill Hotel.
Maija Sofia has announced release dates for her new album ‘True Love’ which is coming out on Tulle in September. The announcement comes hand in hand with a playful video for ‘Four Winters’.
Four Winters is a song that came to me on a crisp winter day when we were still in lockdown, I was restless, I was walking towards the sea, the words of the song came to me in a manic burst I had to type into my notes app so I wouldn’t forget it before I got home. Some of the people who have heard this song already have told me it’s really sad, but it doesn’t feel that way to me.
Maija Sofia
Four Winters showcases Maija’s ability to tell stark real world stories and still craft a great tune while doing it
We are still recovering from Free House Festival and two of our highlights from Friday night were ‘Of all living things’ who’s shoegaze crescendos took over the room and Elaine Malone who’s new single ‘Moontread’ is full of slow motion mantras that linger
Check out our Full Events Guide and Festivals and Exhibtions Guide for Galway