The Ruby Moon Podcast Bio

The Ruby Moon podcast is hosted by myself Martha Freehill and airs live on Flirt FM 101.3 and on Spotify, every second Tuesday at 2pm. The show is primarily a tangential speech of whatever is on my mind each week, usually concerning topics of mental health, relationships, friendship, spirituality and…

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Students’ Union to Host Pink Training

University of Galway Students’ Union will be hosting the national Pink Trainingconference event this weekend. Pink Training is Europe’s largest LGBT+Conference, which sees over 300 student delegates attend a weekend of residentialtraining. The weekend will include talks, workshops and plenary sessions run by USI(the Union of Students in Ireland).During the…

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Live TULCA Performance November 10th

Sick Music History | Friday 10th of November 18:00-20:00 Flirt FM is delighted to announce a special broadcast as part of the 21st edition of the TULCA Festival of Visual Arts. Entitled honey, milk and salt in a seashell before sunrise, (3-19 November), this year’s festival is curated by Iarlaith Ní Fheorais…

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Open call for submissions for “Scéal na Gaillimhe”

Fíbín sa Taibhdhearc is inviting artists, performers, makers, designers, and creatives from Galway City and County working through the medium of the Irish language to contribute to an exciting project that celebrates the rich tapestry of Galway. This open call seeks innovative and diverse submissions that can contribute a 10-minute…

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TULCA Festival of Visual Arts 2023

The 21st edition of the TULCA Festival of Visual Arts, entitled honey, milk and salt in a seashell before sunrise, takes place in venues across Galway 3-19 November. Curated by Iarlaith Ní Fheorais, it features a programme of multi-venue exhibitions and events including artist and curator talks, gallery tours, a performance, a film screening and radio performance on Flirt FM.

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Be Media Smart ‘Stop, Think, Check’ 

Flirt FM and the Community Radio Ireland network of stations are part of the Be Media Smart campaign, in which organisations across Ireland are encouraging people to ‘Stop, Think, Check’ the information they encounter on a daily basis.  The campaign, currently running on TV, radio and in news publications across…

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