Union Condemns Student Accommodation Fee Increase

University of Galway Students’ Union has today condemned Galway student accommodation provider, Hubble Living, for their accommodation fee increases for the 2024/25 academic year.
Students currently staying in their deluxe ensuite rooms on the Headford Road in
Galway are facing a minimum yearly increase of €2,500. This represents a 30% rent
increase which hard pressed students and their families can’t afford in the ongoing
cost of living crisis. Students booking accommodation with the provider for the
upcoming academic year will be hit with a rental bill of €11,045 for a 39 weeks stay.

“The news that Hubble accommodation are hiking their prices for the coming year is an absolute slap in the face to students. Students in Galway are already paying amongst the highest rents in
Europe, and this latest development is absolutely disgraceful. This move will force more students into the overcrowded private rented market, leaving them at the mercy of landlords that often take advantage. Alternatively they may have to stay at home and commute long distances to attend their lectures.
This is not the first time this accommodation provider has displayed a blatant disregard for students. They failed to return deposits to students when they returned home early due to the Covid 19 pandemic closing the University. This is completely unacceptable during a cost of living crisis and will not be taken lightly.”

Students’ Union President Dean Kenny